Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Stinky but good doggie treats!

This was one of Annie's favorite snacks. When we were down in Carmel we would visit the local high end pet store because they had some hard to find treats. They were more the raw food type of place called the Raw Connection.  I drove pass this store for years thinking it was a a heath food store! They carry more of the high quality foods and snacks. Annie had a sensitive tummy, so I always looked for treats that basically had one or two ingredients.  This snack is super expensive so Annie didn't get them often. I was walking though Ranch 99 one day and just happened to glance over into the frozen fish section, when I stopped let someone pass by me.  I never look in the frozen fish section, as I don't like frozen seafood. The word Capelin just pop out!  Buying the fish already dried works out to be about $1.50 per fish and that is if you can find it. Buying it and drying it (not counting the power to run the dehydrator) work out to about .25 per fish.  Now it does make the whole house smell but it was worth it.
My dehydrator was up in Tahoe with my son and getting it back to me was the challenge. It's too big to ship (it's a big heavy duty one) and with the major snow storms up there, I really didn't think I would see it again any time soon. I babysit the labs all the time now and I know this fish would be good for their joints. It's fun to be back to making doggie treats again!
Side note: One of the major reason I moved back to Cupertino is to be closer to family and all the Asian stores. I went to Ranch 99 and they didn't have the fish anymore. I was a little bummed but then I remembered there was another Asian super store down the street call Marina, so I popped into there. They had a full freezer full!
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