Thursday, August 18, 2022

Small score at the GoodWill store.

It's been a challenge finding the thrift stores here on the island. What makes it hard is almost all of them have not updated their websites and that's if they even have one. I got a tip from a store owner for one of the church thrift store (Second Heaven) to look at their Facebook page. They did make a list of all the thrift stores on the island because they weren't going to reopen until September 3, 2022.  That is when I found out all of them aren't open all the time. Some are only open for four days a month. 
I went today to one called ReVive Boutique, women helping women, a non profit that trains women who have left an abusive relationship with job skills and clothing. It's only open on Thursday and Saturday. What the women in the program can't use is then pass on to the thrift store to help raise money to keep the program running. I did find several things I would have purchased (prices were very good) if I was going to check a bag. 
Since I was close to the GoodWill store I decided to pop in. I've been here several times and haven't found anything to resell so I wasn't excepting to find anything.  There was a very old box that someone had gone through and taken out whatever was in it. What was left were broken crystal animals. I still checked them out just in case. Then I found this Rinconada "Old Bat" figure at the bottom all wrapped up but it didn't have a price tag. I think the box went out on to the floor and the back room didn't check all the packing material for whatever was in the box. I'm not a fan of taking anything up to the counter without a price tag but the store was slow so I asked. She said .25, I thought I miss heard her and I said .25? Good thing I had my wallet as I don't normally carry any cash with me. total was .28 and I can flip this for $10-$20. 

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