Monday, August 15, 2022

Mini pick at the church in Paia

The house I'm at in Maui is very nice and has a great kitchen but you can tell it's not a cook's kitchen. Jim has owned the house for about 2 years but because of his wife's health issues they haven't spent much time here.
Today I went to the Buddhist Church in Paia to return port-a crib we borrowed for the boys. I also went to talk to them about what is takes to open a thrift store. They're currently running an auction for the next two weeks of the higher end stuff. The one down side to doing this type of auction is most of the items can't be shipped or they're afraid to ship them.  I think they would make a lot more money if they could ship.
They did allow me to do a little picking for things I wanted for the house. I made a point not to cherry pick out the good stuff but I did get to see it all. There was stuff there I would be willing to pay to have shipped back to California. 
 A few things I really wanted was plastic food storage containers (the house has none) large glass mixing bowls (set of 4 pyrex bowls for $20, a little over priced) and a really big coffee mug. These average size mugs are just a little to dainty for me and I really hate to refill my cup after I get the mixture for milk and coffee just right. The Hershey mug is twice the size of the mugs here at the house. Even Goodwill didn't have any coffee mugs, which surprised me.
A egg/mushroom slicer, it was new in the box but the box was super old and dirty and I know they won't get more than a $1 for it.  

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