Saturday, July 23, 2022

Where are all the quilting books?

Just can't pass up a gourd purse
While I've been cleaning up the house (pine pollen is everywhere) and packing up my stuff, I've been listening to a lot of local resellers who have a YouTube channel. I'm finding it's more current to what's happening in the Bay Area because our prices on everything is so much higher. When it comes to clothes, sourcing the fancy brands are easier to find but in smaller sizes. 
Heard the story about a Willow Glen (town in San Jose) GoodWill manager who had be skimming not only money from the store but also selling whole truck loads of items out the back door for cash. She and her family members had been doing it for over 10 years. The only reason it came to light was because of a divorce, her husband let the cat out of the bag. 
I listened for two whole hours how to sell books on Amazon from Golden State Thrifter. It's  not something I plan to do and after listening to what it takes, I don't see it in my future. What I do know is that cookbooks sell well at a thrift store but not on Amazon. I'm also betting that quilting books will sell better in person too. I'm finding it's impossible to find any quilting books at the thrift stores. Either quilters don't get rid of their books or they just didn't sell well in the past so they don't take them in. During the pandemic many people started sewing and quilting so I believe there is a demand for books again. I've been looking for a very specific quilting book for a friend and in all my visits to all the thrift stores have only found two books.  So I'm going to test my theory at Cottage Crafts. 
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