Saturday, July 16, 2022

Down side to being a picker

One of the personal down side to being a reseller in the thrifting world (at least for me) is it's very hard to pay full retail for anything that's not essential. Yesterday was first for me, I purchased something from every thrift store in town that wasn't to resell. 
1) Pet Network Thrift - red vest on the 50% off-rack in the men's section for $6.17, you pay .17 if you use a credit card. I've been looking for a vest with deep enough pocket to carry my cell phone. In an hiking community, vests are very hard to find so I was lucky I found this one. 
 2) Family Solutions Thrift Store - used but new sandals - $8.00
I also wanted a pair of back up sandals for my upcoming stay in Hawaii, just in case my favorite ones break. I know it sounds gross to buy shoes at a thrift store but these are what we call used but new. You could tell that they were never worn.
3) Valley Christian Thrift Store - Canvas cross body bag $8.00
 I wasn't really looking for another bag since I had found a very nice Vera Bradley bag. The plan was to use the bag when I go out to do my journaling on the trials. I really couldn't bring myself to take such a nice clean bag out on the trials, especially since I know I can flip it and double my money.  So when I saw this used canvas bag I knew I wouldn't have a problem getting it dirty. I threw it in the wash and all the stains came right out. Plus worn canvas is much more my style. :)
4) Hospice Thrift - Sleeveless cotton Shirt - $7.04
I'm pretty much a denim shirt and shorts type of person but I thought I should at least get one sleeveless shirt just in case. XL sizes are hard to find at most thrift stores. I know when I was managing the Kitty, we had to put out a special request to get the bigger sizes. Finding one that is 100% cotton is also very hard. Sorry no picture, it's in the wash. 
Not a bad haul for  $29.21 and supporting the local charities. 

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