Sunday, July 3, 2022

Another random pick at the thrift store

As fireworks are illegal here in Incline Village and most of the surrounding towns, there will be a drone light show instead of the traditional fireworks tomorrow. Still tons of people in town enjoying the perfect weather and beaches. 
I've been going out to Annie's bench every morning to do some creative doodling and writing in my journal  Anyone that knows me, I'm very creative but the written word isn't my thing. If you've been reading my blog, you know that to be true! I really like posting stories but I also feel the need to have a photo with each post. So it got me to thinking about my camera situation.  My iPhone does a good job but should I upgrade to a real camera? I'm doing the pros and cons now if I should invest in a good camera. Would it be better than what I can do now with my phone? Do people care if you have photo attached to you're posts?  I do like traveling light, so having to carry a camera along with a phone is a major downside. What do you think?
After my creative session on the bench, I popped into the only thrift store open on Sundays here in town. These hand craved figures were there for only $2.50 each, they were 50% off. I'm not sure why they were priced so low but I think I can flip them for $12-$15 each. I like hand craved things even if made for the tourist trade. I believe these were made in Sweden. 

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