Monday, June 20, 2022

Last Day With Henk

My marathon babysitting of Mr Henk is finally over. Almost a month of being a single parent was very exhausting. Overall Henk is a very easy going baby but he's still a baby that needs your attention. Since he still doesn't always sleep through the night, that was tough but the it was more when he was awake.
He's now crawling and able to get into things and being at a house that isn't baby proof was challenging. Plus like his brother Mees, he's very big for his age. He's now in 2 toddler clothes and he's only 9 months. Picking him up all day really did a number on my back! 
This picture is the last day I'll probably see Henk in person as his family is getting ready to move to Holland, which will be a permeant move for them. While my sister was here (she's 16 years old than me) we talked about how we probably won't live long enough to see how tall the boys gets. I don't plan to do any more international traveling so there are no plans that I will be visiting them.  I know Henk won't remember any of the this time together as he grows up but I'll always remember his happy little face, especially when he was taking his bath. Always looking up at you with a wet face smiling from ear to ear. I'm sure he's next clear words after ma ma and bottle, will be bath. :) 
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