Saturday, April 23, 2022

Resellers on alert.

Related Posts with ThumbnailsIt was interesting that I stumbled upon a you tube video about a local ebay seller (Christopher Lin) who got his store shut down. He didn't do anything illegal or underhanded but it boils down to, if you sell anything on ebay, you have to have a line item receipt for everything if asked for it. For many who sell second hand stuff, they won't have those type of receipts. 
He had a 2.5 million dollar ebay business (he was a big fish in a big pond) and also has a very large following on his YouTube channel Daily Refinement. That channel is all  about how to sell successful on ebay, which he did until a few weeks ago. It's very interesting if you're into reselling and what it means for anyone in the business.  People are guessing with all the smash and grabs happening, the high end stolen goods are being sold somewhere and to get top dollars, ebay is a good place to do that.  
There was talk of maybe he would open a retail thrift store because his inventory is so huge, so of course people thought I should contact him. I really thought about it and I know I could design a very cool store for him but it would have to be in Oakland, his home base and that's a hard NO for me. The main reason I'm moving and throwing my life into the unknown is because of Oakland, which is pretty much a lawless town and it's spilling over into Alameda. As much as I would like the challenge of opening a for profit thrift store, living in Oakland just isn't going to happen. 

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