Thursday, April 28, 2022

Finding Movations

I like to take the boys for a walk when I can since it really helps them sleep or at least take really long naps. :) Being an older neighborhood there are a lot of roses are all blooming. Yellow roses being one of my favorites so I always stop of take a picture.
It's been a very unproductive few weeks since I finished up with running the thrift store. I still have boxes everywhere and piles of things I need to decide if I should keep or not. I'm slowing once again running out of time. With the demands of having to babysit during the day it really drains me so when I get home I just don't have the energy to make all those decisions. 
I've been listening to Daily Refinement's (Chris Lin) podcasts and group zoom meetings which focuses on selling on Ebay, not that I plan to do that but for the information they share about running an online stores. One thing that is talked about a lot is the the amount of items you list each day will equal the amount your store will sell or make at the end of the year. Posting items once you get your system down takes just a few minutes. They even break it down if you take an extra minute (wasted time) to post how much that will negatively effect your bottom line. I find it very interesting there's a real mathematic formula to it all. 
For the past few days I make a goal to get 25 things either pack, put in a pile to be sold off at Cottage Crafts or given away. It's not as easy as it sounds to do. I downsized so many times that what I have in my kitchen I use all the time so I can't pack any of it up yet. Boxes are just sitting in the kitchen waiting. It's my craft supplies, the ones that have survived all the purges I've done in the past few years, I have to do something with. I'm working on trying to use up what craft supplies ( like paint and card stock)  that can't go to CCB by making cards. I have this wild idea of stocking up my card rack at CCB and make enough of a profit to donate the money to a charity helping the war refugees. I have a goal to do at least 25 things in the process of making the cards, like making all the backgrounds, cutting everything into the right size etc...
So far I've used up several bottle of paint and one ream of glossy paper. Baby steps I know, but I'm getting there. The Daily team talks about getting up at 4:30 am to start their day (most have families still at home) so I'm trying to get out of bed a few minutes early - this post is one of those things to do early. Annie was always the reason for getting out of bed early and start moving before dawn. Now without her, I still wake up early but getting out of bed isn't so easy. 
Off to finish 24 other things before heading out to baby-sit the wild ones. :)
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