Sunday, March 13, 2022

Grand Slam Day 2022

This was a grand slam weekend at the store! We sold four of the most expensive items we had for sale. The first one to sell was a carousel horse my assistant purchased before the holidays. He made a nice little profit on it and it did look nice in the store front window but we were happy to see it go. Now on to designing a new window display. 
The second thing was a XXXL gold picture frame for $100.00. We got it for free at a garage sale. The next thing up was a very fancy and expensive light fixture that was still in the box. I just put a picture of it in a frame of what had in back but I really didn't think anyone would take the time to look at it. The best sale was a horse stable stall door I picked up at the auction house when the store first opened. No one thought I would be able to sell after it didn't work out to use as our back door. It was an on going battle with my volunteers not to hang things all over it when it got moved to the front window. Just the night before I had to over rule having doggie clothes being spread all over it. I had to play "I'm the boss" card, which I don't use too often.
I said customers won't know it's for sale if it's covered with clothes. I can understand that having it sit there for several months, no one thought it would sell so why not use it as a display rack.  Even the customer who brought it made a comment about seeing it for the first time without anything hanging on it. They plan to use it in their garden as part of a custom fence being built. It's also very nice that it sold before I leave in April. 
Part of the plan for the store was that we only have "the good stuff" so you don't have to sort through junk to find it. The store is small compared to other thrift stores so every inch counts. It's sad that I'm leaving now that my program is running the way I had planned but it's the right move for me to make. With the warmer weather, the crime rate sadly is going up once again. 

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