Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Auction Week July 2021

Related Posts with ThumbnailsIt's auction week!!!! I love going to the preview in search of finding that hidden gem. This is a well shopped auction, so it's very hard to get a good deal but even with that you see things you don't see at the smaller auction houses. 
First off is the butterfly art. I saw the photo online and was wondering what media made it so iridescent.  I was thinking sea shells or special glass. When I saw it in person I was totally surprised! The whole thing is made from butterfly wings. It's not something I would be able to sell in the store, even if I wanted to but it was still very cool to see. There were a few more pieces in this collection but not as dramatic as this one. 
At the store on Saturday we sold out of so many things, shelves were bare. On one hand that is a good thing but it does force me to get the plant section pulled together sooner than I had planned. I saw this table and the creative ideas started flowing. It's about 9 feet long and handmade from exotics hardwoods with a hand forage metal design in the center. It would make a great center piece to the plant section. A generous donor offered to pay for it, so I could go full retail on it. I hoped because of the length, no other dealer would want it. I'm bidding against someone and at some point even with the donor's offer to cover the cost, I will have to stop. As cool as it is, the donor's money could go to more important things the store or shelter needs. So we will see at the end of today if the table is coming to the store!

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