Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Nice Surprise From a Neighbor

Every other Thursday night my neighbor up the hill from me gets a veggie delivery around 10:00 pm. The delivery guys can never find their house because being in the hills the GPS will show you where the house is but there are five driveways that look like roads that look like it may lead to the house. I've gotten use to seeing a noisy white van going up and down the main street pulling into different driveways/streets. When I'm out with Annie playing fetch before bed, I have a flashlight with me. I now flash the light at the van and show them the correct driveway to go up because seriously it looks like a dead end. The big UPS trucks bottom out so they leave Fred's packages in my driveway. 
Fred dropped off an extra box a veggies and fruit. Guess there was a mistake shipment to them. It was such a nice surprise to find the box on my doorstep after work. Because I now had extra produce, I clean out my refrigerator and made Japanese curry with the veggies I had been stretching out. I don't do much with sweet potatoes but it was in the box so I found a simple recipe and baked them. That was a nice treat while I waited for my curry to finish. 

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