Monday, February 3, 2020

Creative Process paper weaving

First draft of the paper weaving sample
Many people think when we design for a card class, that we just sit down and make a card. There's a lot of thought that goes into what we design. The one big mistake I see new teachers and some big name people make is they design things that can't really be taught in the live classroom setting.  They do amazing cards and everyone will sign up to take the class but actually making it to match the sample isn't always successful. 
I do a workshop at FabMo once a month and I'm always looking for things that inspire me and can be taught. Since I never know who will be signing up and what level in paper crafting their at, I have to come up with simple designs. That can get very boring on the designing side.
I binged watched the Netflix show "next in fashion" and I loved it. Watching the design process and how they turned their ideas in garments is so inspiring!  One of the designers did a weave to create a pattern. That inspired me to pull out my random water color sample and do some paper weaving. This will be something we will do for this month's workshop. I love that everyone's card will be different and they will be learning a new technique.  

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