Monday, May 29, 2017

Those who inspire others - Susan Eckert - Adventure Women Travels

Susan Eckert - Adventure Women
There are a few people who have had a great impact on my life. Susan Eckert was one of those people. She helped me (and thousands of other women) to go outside my comfort zone and travel to see the world. She was one of the first adventure travel companies just for women. At the time of my first trip with Adventure Women, I was married to someone who didn't like international travel. I either had to live with the regret of never getting to see the world or do it on my own. Since that very first trip many years ago, I've now flown half way around the world by myself, been in a tropical storm that stranded us on a remote island, capsized in a boat in Nepal, come face to face with a wild orangutan, been only a few feet way from a wild lioness eating a fresh kill, had a baby seal born on my foot while hiking the Galapagos Island and taken a picture with a llama while hiking Machu Picchu. There are many more special memories that Susan made possible for me and many other women. It was sad to get the news Susan past away this week. Her legacy to encourage women to travel alone will continue but she will still be sorely missed. 
In Honor of Susan Eckert
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