Saturday, October 1, 2016

Day 3 Lisa" Mish Mash of Happiness - comfort food - fried rice

I know every one has a comfort food (probably several) and mine is fried rice. My mom was a super cook but there were rarely leftovers since I came from such a large family and my dad didn't like leftovers. She didn't make fried rice very often since you have to use left over rice. She would have had to plan it ahead of time to feed 8 people and that's a lot of rice!
I just found out there is a reason the rice has to be at least a day old, it doesn't cook up the same way if fresh. Can't remember the chemical reason but it's not an urban legend. 
Day old white rice
Crushed Ginger
Black Pepper
Crushed Garlic
Sriracha Sauce

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