Thursday, May 6, 2010

Meet Squeak Our New Fur Baby

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This is our new fur baby Miss Squeak.  She is 6 weeks old and part Ragdoll.  Mom was a purebred but got out while in heat.  Only time will tell if  Miss Squeak will have any of the Ragdoll traits.  She is laughing in one of the photos but she hasn't met Annie or Mr. Purrcy yet.  Squeak was born into a family with little children and a hyper dog so she is use to a lot of activity. It was important to me for Annie to grow up with her very own cat.  Annie doesn't have a strong small prey drive, which is a good thing.  Mr. Purrcy made sure Annie knew cats rule the house.


  1. Miss Squeak is one adorable little fur ball!! Too cute!! Have fun with the new baby...

    Abrazos, Carol F

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
