Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

To celebrate the New Year we made hot toddies and sat round a nice warm campfire to which the rising moon. I usually don't drink alcohol but I never had a hot toddy. Since it's made with honey (which we have around the house) I gave it a shot. Whiskey isn't too bad if you add enough honey to it. I also used my favorite Marco Polo tea. I've been reading the book "The Sound of Paper" by Julia Cameron (which isn't really a very good book) to see if it would help with my creative slump. So from the book (there are a series of questions you need to answer) here is one of the questions which you have answer ten times.
"A great adventure I'd love to have is..."
As we sat around the fire we made our list. It was interesting to hear what each of us put on our list. Give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. I started The Sound of Paper years ago and never finished. Not sure why. Can't remember enough to say. Sometimes books about creativity help, sometimes they don't, and I find their effect changes over time. What was once not helpful suddenly becomes helpful, and what was once helpful ceases to be. Kind of strange how we're all in different places and need different help at different times.

    With enough honey, I suppose whisky could be good. I prefer a Mike's Pomegranite Hard Lemonade or glass of red wine to hard liquor, myself, but a hot toddy around the campfire with a rising moom sounds delightful!

    Happy New Year!
