Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hiking in Nepal

Some of my trekking buddies are emailing the photos they took on our trip to Nepal.
De (she's a professional photographer from Washington DC) had a top notch camera with a huge lens.
Northern Nepal is all mountains so you are either going up or going down, there isn't any flat land. I was one of the few that always covered up against the sun. I guess living in California I try to avoid direct contact with the sun's rays.
The top photo we are crossing a creek/waterfall during one of our day hikes.

1 comment:

  1. What interesting photos!! I've been enjoying them all along with your comentaries. You're very wise to cover up...hope the others aren't sorry later.

    I was very sad to hear about Honey Bunny...our pets are family and it is ever so difficult to get over their loss.

    Carol F
