Monday, November 16, 2009

Food in Nepal

Since all everything not made or grown in the area of the trekking lodges has to packed muled in or carried by porters, the food served was simple local meals. Rice, lentils, garlic (in soup) cauliflower, corn, carrots, radishes, mustard greens, eggs, chicken and potatoes. There was a lot of carb loading at every meal which helped with all the hiking we had to do. Once we got back in Kathmandu, eating all those carbs and meals on the plane ride home, I packed on 10 pounds! I've managed to drop 8 with the help of having a head cold and going back to my no carb eating habits.
The photo (taken at sunrise) is the garden at one of the lodges we stayed at. Almost every dwelling we passed had some type of garden growing near the main house. The marigolds around the garden are at least 3 feet high and are also grown in every village.

1 comment:

  1. I love how the sun is just hitting the tips of the mountaintops!!
