Friday, August 7, 2009

Julie and Julia - The Movie

I've been a big Julia Child fan since I was five years old. I was sooo excited to go see the movie "Julie and Julia" this morning. Yes, I also have the book "My Life in France" on my book shelf. It's a movie about a woman named Julie (wants to be a writer) who blogs about cooking every recipe in Julia's book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in one year. I really liked the movie and only wished it had more Julia moments.
The movie had all the things I love, Julia Child, blogging, cats, cooking, based on a true story and a little history. It's what my hubby would call a "chick flick" but it's the first movie I've been to that people applauded after it was over. I would guess that everyone there at 10:00 am on opening day were big Julia fans. Can't wait for it to come out on DVD so I can add it to my collection. I'm also in search of an autographed copy of the cookbook.


  1. can't wait to see it!!! I took my nieces to see "Aliens In The Attic" today instead...... now don't tell me anything more cuz I want to be surprised!!!

  2. Sounds like a great movie! I have the book here in my stash...
