Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Honey Harvest Time

Hubby has been busy harvesting our honey and our "girls" once again did a fine job. The honey gets darker and darker as we head into fall. I'm going to be pulling out my garden early this year, since hubby hasn't gotten around to fixing the drip system and I'm tired of having to hand water everything around all the bee hives and bee equipment he has scattered everywhere.
Little Miss No Name was confirmed today to be a girl and got her first round of shots. I had to give her a temporary name for the vet's records so I named her Smith Smith, hubby's last name is Smith. Kitty is very little for being 13 weeks old. She only weights 2.5 pounds. She was the runt of the litter that survived (only 3 out of the 6 survived an emergency C-section) so that could explain her small size. She does eat like a horse and has the energy of an older kitten. She is a very sweet petite kitten but I'm still on the fence about keeping her.

1 comment:

  1. You can't be serious about giving her up?? She's got to be under your skin by now - she's WAY too cute!
    I think "Shotsy" is a nice name since she flies around your house so much! That way when she's being naughty you can easily call her "Shitsy" & just say you slipped!
