Saturday, August 15, 2009

Do You Mind...., I'm just too cute for dry food

We had a friend over today who wanted to check out our bee hives. While he was waiting for my hubby to suit up, he took this cute picture of our new "still no name" kitten along with a funny tag line. "Do you mind...., I'm just to cute for dry food". I left to go teach a round of classes at the store and one person in my "Crazy Cat Lady" card class, talked about how it's a major problem in America for cat's who only eat commercially made food. It's really better for them to eat some natural or real food like chicken, rats, or birds with their meals. After losing Lucy to some type of toxic poisoning, (I think was from her dry food) I've decided to start "no name" and Purrcy on real food along with their organic dry food. It will be harder for me to get Purrcy to eat anything but his dry food but I'm going to try. Thanks Mitch for the great photo! Update: What happens when Hubby's honey over flows on to the floor and a very hyper kitten walks through it? Sticky spots everywhere in your house and a kitten covered in dust bunnies. Emergency bath time and one tired fur baby.


  1. We tried that with our was hell.
    Mind you they were pretty set in with their eating habits and wouldn't touch the stuff.

    Maybe if you start your new kitty off early, she will learn to like it

    Good luck!

  2. Halo Pet Food is all natural (made with real foods you as a human can identify) is a great product. Comes in soft or hard, treats, etc.

  3. This is an AWESOME photo! Would have loved to see her with honey on her paws!!! When you going to name the poor thing??? You've got to admit, she's staying!

  4. Have you found a name for your nameless kitten yet? How about calling her Whiskers ........ she looks like she has nice long ones.

  5. No name yet and I'm still on the fence about keeping her. Going to the vet today.

  6. It was dry food that killed Spotty. :( I did a lot of research before choosing a food for Maddie & Splotch and I went with Trilogy wet.

    A lot of companies claim to be "human grade" and natural that are not, so don't get taken in. My kitties love the Trilogy. Smith Smith is gorgeous and I'm glad you (and Purrcy) are keeping her. :)
