Sunday, August 30, 2009

Creative Escapes - OMG! $29,000 lamp

Just got back from the Creative Escapes retreat in Phoenix Arizona this afternoon and it lived up to it's name as being the best one around. Every detail to the event was taken care and the teachers were awesome. The Tim Holtz lamp (photo on the left) was auctioned off on the last night and it sold for $29,000 - yes count those zeros. My buddy Nicole (she's part of the Suzy West garage girls rat pack) was the high bidder and 100% of her very generous bid will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma group. There was a lot of screaming and jumping around at our table last night. Tim Holtz and Heidi Swapp were on stage in tears. I think over $50,000 was raised for the charity. Thank you Nicole, you rock!


  1. hi lisa,
    it was great to hang out with you during CE. hope you and MJ had as wonderful time as we did. and thank you again, for saving seats for us over and over and over. you are so appreciated!

  2. That is INCREDIBLE!!!!

    How exciting! I can't wait to hear the details of the escape!!

  3. Incredible! I heard about this from a fellow scrapper and had to come look it up online. You have a very generous friend! From yoru post it sounds like she was over half of the donations! Thanks for sharing the photos.
