Sunday, May 17, 2009

Desing Team Challenge - Chow Babies

The design team at Memories Live On was given a new challenge this month. Once of a month we are all given the same photo to design in our own style and medium. We can also include our own made up stories and names. This is project to help the creative process for the customers to see how one photo can be used in several different ways. Melita went first with a group photo of her children and nieces. Since I'm in a book phase (and really I couldn't see how I could turn in into card) I decided to make a children's cookbook with the (pretend) favorite recipe of each child. All this came to me after one of my creative power naps - I just love that when that happens. It 's the same photo on each page but I highlighted each child's face by cutting out circle on the vellum that has the recipe. After I finished the book, the cover looked a little bare so I looked up Melita's last name (Google is such a wonderful tool) and found out it was "Chow". This was just meant to be the title "Chow Babies" aka cookbook. Other than the recipes, everything else in the cookbook is accurate.


  1. Way too cute! I love creative power naps also.....ah heck, I love naps period.

  2. Super job!

    On the nap front, I don't do very well with naps. I usually end up feeling all disoriented, grouchy and more tired! Iain doesn't understand me....he can have a 20 minute power nap and be full of energy again!
