Saturday, May 23, 2009

Breakfast This Morning

The hardest part of changing how I eat ( I've lost 27 pounds - 13 more to go) is eating breakfast. When I get up in the morning, I have so much I want to do, stopping to take the time to eat hasn't always been on the top of the list. I really have to force myself to eat. Last night I had a marathon card making session (have to re-stock my card rack at the store) and left a few things to finish off in the morning. I really wanted to dive back into where I left off last night. Meal planning is a major part of weight control. You have to know and plan what you will be eating for the whole day. So, while in the shower this morning, I was going over in my head what I have left in the house. I'm out of strawberries (what I have for a quick snack) and then I remembered our Van cherry tree is over loaded with cherries (big thank you to our honey bees) so I went out and pick a big bowl to go along with my breakfast. Lucy followed me out this morning to check out all the birds that where yelling at me to get our of their cherry tree. Lucy maybe another reason we have so many ripe cherries on the lower branches. :)

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