My very favorite tea is Macro Polo tea (not to be confused with Marco Polo Rouge) from Mariage Freres in Paris. It's use to be served at the Red House Cafe (my favorite restaurant) in Pacific Grove CA. For several years I've wanted one of the large tins (about 2 feet high) which I've been told are no longer made. The tea used to be shipped to Mariage Freres in these tins back in the day. The only place you can get one is from the tea shop in Paris. I've had several girlfriends go over to France, but they never managed to find the time to stop at Mariage Freres. Maybe the size of the tin scared them. :) Anyways, a friend's husband was going over to Europe on business and I asked if he could look it up and buy one for me. Well, "Mort the man" not only got it for me (even called me from Paris to make sure he was getting the right one) he dragged it around Europe with him since Paris was in the middle of his trip. Happy dance time!
Enjoy your tea! The tin is pretty too!