Happy dance time. Memories Live On in Cupertino has kindly donated their time and online store to sell the cat stamps for our A Place to Bark & Meow fundraiser. Here's the link to the site where you can order the stamps. scrapbookingsuppliesrus.com
Remember 100% of the profits will go to Bernie Berlin's no kill animal shelter "A Place to Bark & Meow. The first $5,000 raised will go to finish off the cat house then anything after that will go to the dogs. Bernie has a lot of wonderful projects lined up to help raise the funds needed to finish off the shelter's outdoor building along with paying for food and medical treatment each animal needs. More guest artists stamps will be added as we go along, so help us spread the word.
These look even better now that they are real stamps! I will be posting on my blog and placing an order :) Well done to everyone involved!