Today is Lucy's birthday. As you can tell Lucy likes to stick her tongue out when she doesn't want her picture taken. We adopted Lucy 6 years ago after she had been bounced around from several homes. No one wanted such a hyper active kitten. Actual Lucy's life of being abandon happened in utero. Her mom was taken to the pound when her owners didn't want to deal with a pregnant cat - which they didn't bother to get fixed. A cat rescue took her in until her kittens were born. At first the rescue person wanted to keep Lucy but she turned out to be a handful. After that in a few short weeks, Lucy had gone through several homes. When she came to us she found her true family. We didn't care she wanted to be chased around the house or wake up to find all her toys on your bed (she also likes to fetch) we had more than enough energy to keep up with her and her alter ego "bull dog".
She is one of the reasons why we support "A Place to Bark and Purr" - see my blog roll for the link. If that kind hearted person did not take in Lucy's mom, we would not have our crazy little girl. Our fundraiser is moving right along. I hope to have the stamp images to the rubber company by next week. More on that later.
Today is also "Square Root" day 3/3/09 which doesn't happen all the time.
Happy Birthday Lucy - I love you just the way you are! That's what being a cat is all about after all!