Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Moving Day

For the last two solid days, I've been packing and unpacking all my vintage paraphernalia. I've decided to consolidate my antique booths and be only at one place. If you have been following my blog, you know that it's be really hard to get any of the "good stuff" at the auction house so it's been difficult to keep both places well stocked. I had to time the moving of my display cabinets to when it wasn't going to rain and my hubby could help me. It's been a mad dash to get everything done. This is how the last two day went - pack everything up, bring it home, unpack it, re-tag it, pack it back up, pick up display cabinet at store #1, unload display cabinet at store #2, remove everything from current booth space so new cabinets can go in, unpack everything, put booth back together again , load car, come home unload car, unpack boxes to sort out what is going to charity. On the up side to all of this, I lost 2 pounds. :)


  1. Congrats on the weight loss! I will have to check out the newly remodeled space at CCB.

  2. wow. i didnt know you had an antique booth!!! where is it??? keep in mind that i'm not from san jose and live in santa cruz... none the less, i would love to see what you have!!

    ps. congrats on the 2 lbs and a the accomplishment of getting things consolidated.

    btw, i'm the holly that teaches at memories live on too. i stalked you from there, i believe. :)

  3. so what booth did you give up? I'm thinking you stayed at Cranberry Hill or whatever it's called?
    congrats on the weight loss - manual labor is obviously good for something!

  4. No, I kept my booth at Cottage Crafts.
