I think I will first post all the CHA drama since there really wasn't too much. As many of you know, Paris Hilton attended CHA to pimp her new craft line - don't asked me what it was, I never saw it. People stood in line for TWO hours to see her. It didn't help that CHA had changed the time of her arrival but didn't get the word out to everyone and Paris showed up late. On top of all that, she was suppose to take pictures with the first 40 people. I heard that she only stayed for 15 minutes instead of the scheduled hour. One guy got down on his hands and knees and started crying when he saw her. So as people lined up waiting for her, they also blocked some of the new exhibitors tables. If you weren't interested in Paris, you couldn't see them. Want to talk about seeing some vendors going postal and really I can't blame them. The following day right after the show opened, the fire alarm went off and everyone had to leave the building. We were all guessing the exhibitors who's tables were blocked during the whole Paris fiasco pulled the alarm in protest.
LOL... i just happen to be walking by the booth when Paris was there. Just scooted on in, stuck my arms in the air with my camera, took 3 shots and left. ;) The video of PH on craftcritique.com is pretty close up if you're interested! haha.