It's been a busy week! I finished up the last of my classes for 2008 and started getting all my Christmas decorations out. During the studio remodel, I had to get rid of over half of my Christmas stuff since there would be no garage space for storage. So, instead of taking me a whole week ( I use to have to pack up everything in the house before I could bring in the Christmas stuff) I think it will only take three days. Let's just stay with my hubby out of town - it was a good thing. The studio is filled with XL boxes and there is a mountain of tissue paper that even Purrcy won't try jumping into. Every flat surface in my house is in some stage of sorting out where everything will go.
I'm a Santa collector but I really try and limit how many I buy each year. I usually will only add to my collection if the Santa is handmade or very unique.
I took a photo of some of my more favorite glass Santa ornaments. There is a naked Santa who's long beard is cover all the "parts" and another Santa holding a box of chocolates and in his back pocket is a book called "Romance for Dummies". I will be posting through out the day as I get the different sections of my house done.
I wanna see the naked Santa!!!