Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Stardreams on sale

One of my very favorite card stock papers to use is Stardream Antique Gold and Bronze. It's a nice heavy weight card stock with a shimmer to it. One of my students emailed me and told me that Kelly Papers in Palo Alto (and it's only at this store location, I called to double check) has their Stardreams paper on sale for 25% off - what a deal!!! Kelly Papers is located on Middlefield Road. I would call ahead and make sure they still have the colors you want in stock. I know when I go in to stock up, I buy up everything they have. :) If you can't find any in your area, Marco's Paper in Ohio (headquarters for the Zindorfians) has it in stock too.

1 comment:

  1. I've used this paper a few times and it is great! I love the heavier weight; it's perfect for cards. Happy shopping!
