We finally have some rain out here in California and it's also the end of the growing season in my vegetable garden. The mums are the only things left blooming. Since I can't see the garden from the main part of the house, I don't get to enjoy the flowers. I can't bring them into the house because of the aphids (I keep an all organic garden) so what to do? I decided to cut the flowers and put them near the patio door, still outside but I can see them every time I walk into the kitchen. Here's were Purrcy and Lucy come in. Purrcy always goes outside with me to work in the garden. He was sitting in the house staring at me wondering why was I in a tank top (hot flashes - ladies you know what I mean) and arranging flower in the rain? Purrcy thinks rain drops violate his personal space, so rarely goes out when it's wet. I could see he was torn about being attacked by the rain drops, but wanting to come out and help me. When I turned around again, Lucy was sitting next to Purrcy (very rare moment and I didn't have my camera) watching me. I'm sure they thought mom had gone off the deep end. Purrcy finally came out and sat under the table meowing at me to get back into the house. Really, as weird as it all sounds, the flowers do look nice and no, arranging flowers in the rain isn't on my list of 101 things to do in my life. :)
Too funny about Purrcy and Lucy! The rain has been wonderful, I'm loving it.