Saturday, August 16, 2008

Guess Who Cards

Having been home for the last 3 days with the flu, you can do silly things when making cards. I was making a set of the Japanese kokeshi doll cards for my card swap later this month, when I
thought my dolls have no faces like the Tilda stamps everyone is going wild over out here in CA. I'm not a big fan of Tilda who looks too much like a bad Cabbage Patch doll dream or Rainbow Bright on crack. I then thought it would be funny to make some cards with my faceless dolls, in the style of some other people on Split Coast Stampers and see if anyone could guess who I was thinking of. Too make it more fun, I will randomly pick a winner from all the correct answers and hand out some blog candy.


  1. I hope you aren't drawing numbers because number 1 never wins. :( My guess is Zindorf and the lovely MarkiesMom (aka Faith.)

  2. I agree the first one looks like Zindorf style but not sure on the second one.

  3. I love these cards so much that I had to take time out of my Hawaiian vacation to respond.
    I smell another Asian card class in the works but wait until I get back!

  4. #1 - Zindorf
    #2 - Toni Armstrong - Toners

    Just a way out there guess from me!

  5. Sorry you're sick. :(
    ROTFL re: Tilda. I couldn't agree more!!

  6. Ashley, Email me your mailing address and I will mail off the blog candy!


  7. beautiful cards!i used to collect the washi paper wallets, cards & stuff when i was little & always thought it WAS a little weird they didn't have faces!

  8. Hey Patti - are you implying that I have a "thing" for scallops? LOLOL!!

  9. I love your cards and think no face is needed. Your creativity give the card the needed personality and character. I love your sense of humor, by the way. Ha!
