Friday, July 25, 2008

Auction Week

This is auction week for me - well every other week is auction week. All the local auctions happen at the same time for some reason. It's been slim pickings for us at the auction houses. Either there isn't anything good or it's going so high (usually to private buyers) that we can't afford it. :( Normally I don't go to estate sales because it's sad to walk into some one's home and see all their things being picked over. Without being able to restock my vintage booths with cool auction finds, I finally broke down and went to an estate sale. It was a tiny house so they could only let so many people in at a time. One quick glance around and I was getting ready to leave when I spotted a small white box fill with what looked like printer's blocks or stamps. Well, I just had to check it out which wasn't as easy as it sounds. I had to find the person with the key to open the glass case it was locked in and once people heard I was asking for the case to be opened crowded around it to see what I interested in. I just pointed to the box and said I would take it all without looking at it (risky thing to do at an estate sale), along with the mini wood planer (it really works and is going to be present for my contractor) and oil can. The box had various Christmas theme metal blocks that a printer or engraver would have used. Since I collect printer's cabinets this was a major score! The best part was the three metal stamps of vintage cats and a dog images. I stamp them out so you could get a better look at them. I'm already working on class ideas using my new treasures.


  1. Fabo finds, very green w/ envy here.

  2. Great finds Lisa. The images are very cute. And you paid how much for all this?

  3. Can I have one? L O V E!!
    misspriss as in P_aper, R_ibbon, I_nk, S_tampin and S_crapping (get it?)PRISSy

    I have multiple blogs so I can't post with just one through blogger. So I left a link in case you needed it.

  4. The images remind me of pics in children's books made in Racine WI. I can't think of the name, maybe Western Publishing Co?

    I go to Estate sales. I am sure the deceased person would prefer a person to purchase an item because they will appreciate it rather than it sitting in an antique store, bought as an investment or thrown away.

    Enjoy your purchase.

  5. The images remind me of pics in children's books made in Racine WI. I can't think of the name, maybe Western Publishing Co?

    I go to Estate sales. I am sure the deceased person would prefer a person to purchase an item because they will appreciate it rather than it sitting in an antique store, bought as an investment or thrown away.

    Enjoy your purchase.

  6. I really had to get use to going to estate sales, but you can find some really great stuffed that once once just as treasured by you! On another note, do we have a choice of booths to pick from at the art show? What paperwork do you need to fill out?
