Friday, June 6, 2008

Kitty Play Pen

Mr. Purrcy can't pass a box without checking it out. This is what I call his "kitty play pen". Everyone morning when I open the door to my studio, Purrcy will look for an open box. I usually have one since I use these plastic boxes to carry all my class supplies to the store when I teach. I throw a mouse in there for him and he will bat it around and finally toss it out. After that he runs around the studio chasing whatever paper scraps he can find then will settle down for one of his many cat naps.


  1. He is so very handsome (I was going to say beautiful, but he would be so offended). I can't wait to me him in person. :)

  2. Oh, he is gorgeous! I have to say that I have the kindred box cat here too. She thinks my photo box is hers and so is a laundry basket or anything else that she can jump into. Kudo's to you for snatching up Michelle to come teach BTW, she rocks!

  3. Can't wait to mee Mr. Purrcy & Miss Lucy in NINE days!!!!!
    See you all soon.......

  4. Cats and boxes are a wonderful combination!
