Friday, April 4, 2008

End of Week Three

It's now the end of week three for the work being done on my studio. The drywall guys just finished putting on the last texture coat - I can't remember what they call it and I don't speak Italian. Since most of the walls will be covered with art or display boards, it wasn't a big issue with me. Once I found out I couldn't get the texture I wanted in the time frame we are working with, I let them do what they thought was close. Overall it came out looking pretty good. I went with the light yellow tones - "Home & Hearth" for the walls, "Shredded Wheat" for the ceiling and skylights. I know most of the votes were for light green, but I had a dream of a barn made out of straw before I knew the lighter yellow was called shredded wheat. Since I will someday have a studio/loft in a converted barn, I took it as a sign to go with the soft yellow tones. Randy will start the painting and finish work on the walls, then the floor will get done. After that the sink and floor trim goes in. So far things are right on schedule.


  1. I bet these guys LOVE you taking their pictures!!! How fun - it's really coming along now!

  2. The young guy thought it was funny.
