Thursday, March 6, 2008

Our pet bees

This is what happens when you clean out your garage. The husband moves things into the open space. Must be the law of attraction or the need to fill space syndrome. Our bee hive is in trouble. Doug called our local bee guild and had a mentor bee keeper to come over and check things out. The major problem was that our bees are starving. They had full boxes of honey but for some reason, once they seal off the chambers, they don't remove the wax to get to the honey. The second news was that we have two Queens in the hive. I think that means the hive was getting ready to swarm. Most of our neighbors are fine with us keeping bees but I know one of them would not find it funny or interesting to have 5,000 of my girls hanging out in his yard. They all know to call us if a swarm comes to visit. With all the chambers filled with honey, there was no place for the Queen to lay her eggs. Doug is exacting the honey from the combs to make more room for the baby bees and I think to free up some honey for the girls. It's best to do this in an enclosed room. The girls get very upset when you start to mess with their honey. During this time of year, I think it's all females in the hive.


  1. Lisa, this is really cool! Even though I'm terrified of bees :) TFS!

  2. How interesting Lisa - I never knew all that stuff. I'm allergic to bees, so I stay pretty clear of them if I can.
