Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bamboo Tiles

I love to get surprises in the mail! Cindy Wixson (wife to one of my husband's childhood buddies) made this great ceramic fish for me. Cindy and Steve came out last month of a visit and had a marathon tour around Northern California. I knew Cindy was a great cook but I didn't know she was also a very talented painter. Now I find out she also does ceramic work!
I'm hoping that Cindy will come out next year and paint a custom mural on Miss Pinky for me. A major debate is going on at my house as to what the mural should include. The fish in on a bed of my latest alter art find - bamboo tiles. I will post photos of what I'm doing with them as soon as the paint dries.


  1. He is so cute! Does he hang? Or where will you display him? What a lovely gift!

  2. He is on my coffee table right now. Not sure if I will hang him up or not.


  3. can't wait to see what you are doing with the bamboo tiles. Where did you get them? Debbie P.

  4. The bamboo tiles remind me of MaJong tiles - maybe you can make a "real" game??
